Re-Envisioning a Website Using Reveal.js

I spend a good part of the week collecting interesting readings, projects, and tools. Come the weekend, I try to tackle at least one of them. Last Sunday was spent with Hakim El Hattab’s Reveal.js. I was tipped by a colleague who used it in a data curation presentation.

Reveal.js is designed to enable creation of beautiful and simple slides using html. My current website is fairly barebones. I gave myself the challenge of re-envisioning it using the Reveal.js framework. It was fun to place constraints on design possibilities. The result is not too shabby. Im sort of tempted to drop WordPress altogether.

The result is here:

Moving forward Ill be looking into using Reveal.js for its intended purpose – presentations. It is good to have another option. There is no love lost between me and Powerpoint and Keynote and I just havent become the friends that we could be. With a bit of html and css it becomes pretty easy to try something new.

Reveal.js on Github – Seems to be the same underlying framework. Recommended if you do not have access to a server.