Theory and Praxis of Archival Activism

Speaking at the Archives and Activism Symposium [PDF] in NYC was a great opportunity to be bold and present my ten cents on where I think the archival community can contribute to activist efforts. Sharing a presentation slot with Jefferson Bailey was an honor in of itself. I can deliver all of the usual platitudes about… Continue reading Theory and Praxis of Archival Activism

Strengthening Narrative Form

Project Idea: Apply semantic relationship extraction to a seminal social science or humanities work focused on societal change at the community level. Apply social network analysis methods to data gained from relationship extraction. Evaluate to what degree the author’s conclusions delivered in narrative form align with the data driven analysis of the relationships within the… Continue reading Strengthening Narrative Form

Volume, Velocity, Variety

In the past couple of weeks I attended two events in Washington where the question of “Big Data” was circulating. The National Academies event was solely dedicated to Big Data, while at the Library of Congress Digital Preservation 2012 conference it was a somewhat peripheral consideration. Big Data seems to has been ascribed volume, velocity, and… Continue reading Volume, Velocity, Variety